LeBron is Staring Down At You More Than Ever. V1, V2, P.S. Boxes. »
Apr 10, 2011 at 3:41 am | lebron-viii • shoes
First the lion is stalking its prey, looking out over the savanna to see who he’s gonna go after. And next he spots it and takes off like a bullet, and it’s all straight out performance – eyes on the prize. Then finally, he sinks his claws in and gets what he’s been after – going in for the kill. It just kinda lined up perfectly with the story we were telling and what was going on on-court. And we just thought it was a cool way to deepen the story of LeBron and the notion of the lion, so each of the versions of the shoe represent those moments – the stalk, the chase and the kill.
That’s how Jason Petrie – the lead designer on LeBrons – described the evolution of the Nike LeBron 8. It’s does not only affects the looks and performance of the shoes, but also the packaging. That’s one of the best things in the LeBron line… the attention to details. The V1 box featured LBJ and his animal representation – lion – side by side. In V2 box it was LBJ in the foreground, but the Post Season shows King James calmly staring down at us with the king of the jungle hidden and ready to strike. Nice touch.