LBJ Wore BHM LeBron 11, But You Might Have Missed It! I did. »
It’s very difficult to keep track of LeBron James’ current sneaker rotation. Just ask sneakernews.com… they tried. It’s a hard treacherous work. It’s very easy to make mistakes, too. Yesterday I posted pics of LBJ wearing the BHM Soldier 7’s on Monday night in Atlanta. Turns out he did start the game in the BHM LeBron 11’s, but it was so brief that even Getty Images photographers could not catch that moment. Jokes aside… he did switch into the Soldiers after the first timeout. It was not easy to find a photo evidence of him wearing the 11’s, but here it is… one blurry look. At least the 2013-14 Timeline has been updated accordingly and it’s still the ultimate guide to all sneaker wears of King James! Shout out to our faithful readers who pointed out the missing piece.