Wearing Brons – Cavs Crew Goes Hardwood Classic LeBron Style »
Last week when the Cleveland Cavaliers introduced their new Hardwood Classic uniforms, we mentioned about LeBron James’ new Air Max LeBron VII themed shoes. Turns out the whole team went HWC style on that night, with most of the players wearing L23’s other signature sneakers – Zoom Soldier III – the Team bank version. Same thing happened in this year’s Playoffs, when most of Cavs’ players wore the ZSIII. Some of Clevaland’s crew rock LeBrons on daily basis, like for example Big Z, but others dressed up for the occasion. Check out pics featuring Big Z, AP, Delonte, Varejao, and Jamario Moon. Mo and Boobie also sported the Soldiers.
Photos Copyright Notice: Copyright 2009 NBAE via Getty Images. Photos by David Liam Kyle/NBAE via Getty Images, Jesse D. Garrabrant/NBAE via Getty Images.