Upcoming LEBRON X PS Elite & LEBRON X Low Championship 2-Pack (~700 Pairs) »
Nike Basketball has once again created a commemorative Championship Shoes 2-Pack in order to celebrate LeBron James’ second NBA title. Unfortunately, same as last year, it will be nearly impossible to get a pair as an estimate of 600-700 pairs are expected to be released across the States and in Asia. It’s about 10 times more than the LEBRON 9 Finals and MVP 2-Pack from a year ago, but it’s still being mightily underestimated compared to the actual demand. It’s a great day for LeBron / Miami fans and I’m not trying to be salty here, but I’m sure I speak for everybody when I say Nike is not treating us right here… again. The best comparison is of course Kobe Bryant, who got all of his Finals / Championship shoes released to public during the two consecutive championships back in 2009 and 2010. According to Nike’s press release the two shoes will be sold in a pack along with the hats and will be available in very limited quantities. Let us know how you feel about Nike’s launch policy for LeBron’s Championship shoes.