The Dark Side: Where Nike Allowed Another Championship Pack Fiasco! »
I don’t know how many rings LeBron James needs to get before Nike corrects the mess around their Championship Pack releases. Hopefully there will be more. It was really bad last year! But there were not enough pairs to cause a stir. This year, Nike released approximately ten times more (600 instead of 60), and we even got an online drop, but it’s just a bigger mess now. This past weekend Nike Lebron X Celebration Pack / Championship Pack has caused an enormous eruption of displeased sneakerheads. Corruption among employees and managers was at an all time high for this one. Internet forums are still buzzing and our friends at icysole.com summed it up pretty well. Continue reading for more info. I will say this… MVP and Championship colorways are for the true fans to feel connected with their favorite players and their accomplishments. All of Kobe’s accomplishment shoes were decently available. LeBron’s accomplishments releases are a disgrace so far. WE HAVE TO DO BETTER!
This past weekend Nike Lebron X Celebration Pack / Champ Pack , has caused an enormous eruption of displeased sneaker heads and resellers. The biggest issue lying with the Foot Locker House Of Hoops and Nike Stores across the US that were carrying this “Ultra Limited Release”. Corruption amongst employees and managers was at an all time high for this. Particularly in these stores, Nike DC (Georgetown) , Nike Santa Monica and Dade County House Of Hoops. We can even add Lebron James’ own store UNKNWN in Miami to the list. Lets not forget the dumbest employee of them all, FERNANDO from House Of Hoops , who apparently was fired since his eBay listing displaying his name badge (shown below). Employees and Managers were selling pairs to the highest bidder, regardless of RSVP status or winning ticket status. Notorious Vladimir of Nike DC did both of these. If you had a pocket full of money, you could go and talk to him to guarantee yourself a pair (around $1k per pack to hold). See image below of guy guaranteeing Lebron Packs from this store. Dade County was similar to DC . Employees of Santa Monica clearly had visible packs of RSVP that were never picked up and told customers who were sitting out side the store from open to close they had no packs left. When clearly behind the counter, packs were still sitting way beyond the RSVP pick up window. The UNKNWN store manager was saw selling multiple packs out of his trunk to VIP clients as others waited in line and watched. The store “supposedly” had 15 packs, but only 8 of those walked out the store through their “ticket raffle system”. Leaving 7 packs unaccounted for. It is very clear that NIKE needs to address this RSVP system and the stores they allow releasing product. They talk about promoting a fair and even playing field environment for releases, but that is just impossible. Everybody that was lucky enough to get an RSVP at any store, did it through an RSVP service, which charged $400-$500 per successful twitter DM of the pack. One RSVP service even refunded $40K this weekend for unsuccessful RSVP attempts. This is just a sample of the rigged RSVP things that go on involving these stores that carry such product. Nike can easily address this and solve the problem with ease by NOT allowing product to arrive at the store. Product should be sent to CORPORATE / District Managers directly and have them hold the RSVP. Bring the product to the store with them and distribute it amongst the winners themselves. But than again, even corruption reaches that high in these stores. Everybody was looking for the “Big Score” with this Lebron pack.