Nike Zoom LeBron 20-5-5 Appreciation Post – Pro City “NYC” »
We expressed our warm feelings towards the 20-5-5’s last week when we profiled the Navy Playoff PE. In order to put an emphasis on this special shoe we’ve prepared one more feature… yet another Player Exclusive version of the twenty-five-five. This time it’s one of the Pro-City Special Make Ups, which were created for Nike’s Summer Basketball League back in 2005/2006. There are several versions of these kicks. Both colorways and logos representing each city are what sets them apart. As for the styles involved there is either White/Black/Silver or White/Neutral Grey. Known Pro City Nike Zoom 20-5-5 customizations include: New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Minnesota. Too bad Nike’s energy releases like for example House of Hoops Exclusives weren’t possible back when the 20-5-5’s had ruled the courts. It would be very interesting too see some new colorways, that’s for sure. Although the Soldier line has picked up where the 20-5-5’s left off… maybe we will see another successor of the first Nike LeBron summer shoe… possibly something called 30-7-7. Or maybe Nike is waiting for that 30-10-10 season from King James. At this rate of his improvement… it might happen very soon :D. Anyway… enjoy couple new pics after the break. Shout out to dOubleO, who contributed to our site by donating this amazing pair of shoes. Thank you!