Nike Zoom LBJ Ambassador III – GR & Sample – Catalog Pics »
Ever since the Zoom LBJ Ambassador 1.0 was released, it’s become a common thing for Nike LeBron’s budget shoes to release side by side with the main signature. Seems like that pattern will continue as the third installment of the Ambassador is slated for November 2010 as a sidekick for the upcoming Air Max LeBron VIII. One thing worries me though… apart from the 1-2 combo for the next season a new pattern emerges for the LeBron James shoes collection. Air Max. Seems like it’s everywhere. The VII is an Air Max shoe and the VIII is going to follow up too. I’m pretty sure they’re gonna nail it again, but even LBJ’s new team shoes – Soldier IV – will feature a Zoom Air/Max Air combo. It’s even more surprising to see the upcoming Zoom LBJ Ambassador III feature an Air Max unit in the heel especially since it’s a budget sneaker. It’s still a long way to go and things may still change, but what do you think about that move? I know one thing for sure… all this makes me love the LeBron VII P.S. more and more each day. Yes, they are THAT good!