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LeBron Laces Up a Nike Soldier Shoe First Time Since 2009! »
The title needs a little bit more explanation, but it’s very simple, actually. Obviously LeBron James wears Nike Soldiers more often, but it’s usually pre-season games, media apperances, the LeBron James Skills Academy or the Olympics (practice). The last time he wore a Soldier shoe in an actual NBA game was during the 2009 NBA Playoffs when he didn’t have a separate Post Season series for the Zoom LeBron VI. Ever since the Post Season branch has been created he stopped wearing his secondary signature line, which has become more of a team shoe. Last night, he wore the Zoom Soldier VII in the White, Black and Red colorway, which is a simple GR, but it also matches the Miami Heat uniforms quite nicely. As usual… check out the Timeline section for more information on LBJ’s on-court kicks.