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They’re Back! “The LEBRONS” Internet Animated Series Coming Soon »

LeBron James is taking his talents to the Internet in a new Web-based animated series that will revisit some of his best-known off-the-court performances while featuring socially conscious messages. The cartoon series, called “The LeBrons” and planned for a spring debut on its own YouTube channel and Mr. James’s Web site, lebronjames.com, will revive the characters from a popular series of Nike commercials in which Mr. James played four versions of himself: the youthful and wide-eyed Kid LeBron; the physically adept Athlete LeBron; the smooth and savvy Business LeBron; and an ornery elder statesman called Wise LeBron. Will Nike follow up with a new shoes pack commemorating the re-arrival of The LeBrons? They did drop LeBron 3’s and LeBron 6’s… and now we’re getting closer to the 9. Is this a pattern? Via nytimes.com.