The Makeover… NIKELEBRON.net ver. 4.0 »
Hi. Hopefully, by the time you’re reading these all DNS records have already been refreshed and you’re on this brand new I call it “2015-ready” responsive web layout. It’s been a very long wait, but hopefully you will find it pleasing… like I do. It’s been a very long month for me… many sleepless nights, but at some point I couldn’t look at it anymore… especially for a geek / sneakerhead like myself. I know the road ahead is going to be difficult… especially with the number of sophisticated attacks this website has suffered over the last 18 months… but turns out I can’t quit.
I had two choices… stop it or “just do it”… one more time. I’ve been writing on the blog… single handedly… for over 8 years… and with that kind of commitment it becomes like a second job, cause it’s not my daily job… unfortunately. I know others have turned into magazines, but it’s not that easy for someone outside of the United States with English as a second language. I grew up with my blog and with my readers, met many great friends, but the blog grew old and slow in the meantime.
The last major update came 18 months ago with the mobile theme, which was a big change and a step in the right direction. Who else had a mobile ready theme in 2013?! After that other commitments came along, I became a father to a beautiful baby girl, and life has changed. I have never left, obviously, but I need to say I’m back! It’s hard to re-discover this passionate feeling, but I feel like I’ve freed myself from a website that didn’t perform the way I wanted it to. Hopefully you’ll be back with me and please invite friends cause we’re gonna have a great ride along with LeBron James and his amazing Nike LeBron collections.
This is just the beginning, the makeover is still not 100% complete, but please be patient and please do let me know your feedback and share your suggestions. The contact form works again… turns out I didn’t receive any message in weeks due to a server error ;(. Sorry for not getting back. I’ve spilled my thoughs all around and I have only one more thing to say… who remembers the look from 2007? Man, that’s ugly :D. Cheers! Greg Huber is out for some sleep.