Sales report for the first quarter of the 2007 »
Apr 22, 2007 at 12:01 am | stuff
At this time last Sunday we mentioned about the [2006 basketball shoes sales report]. This time we provide the LeBrons sales numbers from the first quarter of the 2007, 01/01/07 – 04/08/07 to be precise. There are 7 Nike Zoom LeBron appearances in the Top100. Thanks to a NT member Steez for this information. See the stats below [position, description, colorway, total amount, units sold, average price] :
- 18. M ZOOM LEBRON IV WHT/NVY/GLD $2,576,485 17,939 $143.62
- 31. M ZOOM LEBRON IV BLK/BLK/RED $1,777,207 12,386 $143.49
- 53. M ZOOM LEBRON IV BLK/WHT/RED $1,168,413 8,420 $138.77
- 59. K ZOOM LEBRON IV BLK/BLK (GS) $1,060,935 12,053 $88.02
- 71. K ZOOM LEBRON IV BLK/BLK (PS) $900,533 15,170 $59.36
- 93. M ZOOM LEBRON IV WHT/WHT/SLV $736,349 4,993 $147.48
- 98. K ZOOM LEBRON IV BLK/WHT/RED (GS) $707,091 8,366 $84.52