Nike LeBron 8 PS – Post Season – Dunkman Showcase »
Months after the new Nike LeBron 8 P.S. Dunkmans had dropped, I still don’t know how I feel about them. It’s not something suitable for everybody… that’s sort of a given. However, there is something irresistible in them, that still makes you wanna buy, even if there’s no purpose defined. Maybe it’s the Dunkman theme that’s already been carved into the LeBron James DNA. Possibly. We may even prefer the toned back Pre-Dunkman V2, or wish for a V1 or V2 version implementing this bold Mean Green look. Despite all that I’m still very excited… even if I end up just looking at them sitting on my shelve. They’re beautiful in person. Continue reading for our 30+ photos gallery.
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