Taxi Nike Zoom LeBron Six to Debut in New York on Feb. 4th »
We announced this shoe – Taxi ZL6 – couple weeks ago. Although not everybody is very fond of the LeBron James X New York idea, whether it’s the possible trade or just the shoes, Nike keeps on making new LBJ sneakers exclusive to NYC. The upcoming Taxi Zoom LeBron VI is inspired by one of New York’s famous attributes. Last year, it was the NY Yankees, then it was the Big Apple and now it’s the Yellow Taxi Cab. The Taxi Six will be released the day after tomorrow at the House of Hoops (NYC – 268 W 125th Street), as well as several other Footlocker stores around the city. Also, LeBron James is expected to wear this limited colorway the same day, as the Cavs take on the Knicks at the MSG. So if you’re a LeBron fan, or basketball fan, or New York fan, or sneakers fan, or even taxi fan, be sure to ask your friend for a hook up or prepare to pay resell prices on eBay several hours after the release.