WITNESS GOLD Nike Zoom LeBron VI UWR USA Basketball »
We continue to follow up the news on the soon-to-be-released Zoom LeBron 6. This weekend the limited “United We Rise” version will be released at the House of Hoops (New York). Also, an Asian release is expected shorty after the U.S. The public version is a little different from King James’ Player Exclusive. The design […]
Change of Plans – Gold Medal LeBron 6 Drops This Saturday »
For those, who have been waiting for the 11/1 launch of the Gold Medal Zoom LeBron VI, update your calendars. The premiere has been moved up to 10/11 (this Saturday). The release has been changed due to the Grand Opening of the second House of Hoops store located in Los Angeles. However, the new HOHLA […]
Nike LeBron Ambassador USAB “United We Rise” Detailed Look »
From the four Nike Zoom LBJ Ambassadors scheduled to release this year, we profiled three of them already. Today, courtesy of kenlu.net, we publish the actual pictures of the “United We Rise” edition. It’s the third, after the Zoom Soldier II and the Zoom LeBron VI, LeBron sneaker sporting the USA Basketball inspired graphics designed […]
United We Rise Zoom LeBron VI HOH Exclusive to Release Nov 1st »
October 31st, 2008 is the official release date for the Nike Zoom LeBron VI. Seems like the anticipated USAB version – “Gold Medal” – won’t drop sooner than the General Release. LeBron James’ Nike Zoom LeBron VI “United We Rise” edition is said to be released on November 1st, exclusively at Footlocker’s House of Hoops. […]
United We Rise USA Basketball ZSII Tribal Showcase »
With a little delay caused by the Zoom LeBron VI making its way to the press and the “unexpected” USA win in the Beijing Olympics, we’re here to hold the given word. We promised a showcase of LeBron James’ USA shoes and we start things off with the “United We Rise” Zoom Soldier II. Photos […]
New Photos of the Olympic Nike Zoom LeBron VI ‘UWR’ »
In anticipation of the Zoom LeBron VI release we give you another look at the ‘United We Rise‘ version. After the practice shots from Beijing and the catalog image from Nike it’s time for another installment courtesy of chengyang. As we reported earlier the Olympic ZL6 is said to be released in limited fashion and […]
USAB Gold Medal Shoes Pack with LeBron James’ Nike Zoom LeBron 6 ‘United We Rise’ »
LeBron James and the USA Basketball Men reclaimed the gold yesterday and they did that in style. You can make the argument that this was the biggest win in U.S. Olympic men’s basketball history to get back on top again. Regarding the shoes involved, the Olympics has always been a great chance to promote kicks. […]
King James Unveils the Nike Zoom LeBron VI in Beijing »
LeBron’s been wearing plenty of special shoes, but he knows that when a big stage is coming with the whole world watching he must shock the fans. With few more months left till the release of the highly awaited Zoom LeBron 6 he’s planing to display them on the most important sports event – the […]