Nike LeBron 9 P.S. Elite Away “EPIC” Special Packaging

The Nike LeBron 9 P.S. Elite has been one of the top trending topics in the sneaker culture. Seen in detail earlier last week, this pair now appears in “Epic” packaging. Check out additional images presenting the LeBron 9 P.S. Elite Away Edition in this custom gold box as well as Nike’s special message below.

Greg Huber:

View Comments (5)

  • From the videos that I've seen on YouTube about these, they all had the regular elite box.. Maybe this is for friends and family like the special packaging for the LeBron 9 China. Probably a quickstrike for niketowns or something.

  • Yeah they come in the regular Elite box which look like and has the texture of carbon fiber with metallic gold hits on it. It too is a sweet box.
