James Rocking Nike Penny 2 During ABC Halftime Interview

Here’s something you don’t get to see everyday. Actually, it’s something we don’t recall going back couple years back. During an interview aired on ABC during last night’s game LeBron James wore the Nike Air Penny 2 (so-called Miami colorway). Usually, LeBron doesn’t sport basketball kicks off the court, but it has changed this season as he was seen rocking The Six for casual on several occasions. The Penny 2 is outside of his signature line, of course, and most of his non-LeBron sneakers thus far were the casual type – Forces, Dunks, Vandals, etc. It’s very interesting to see him do that. We didn’t know LBJ was a Penny Hardaway fan. More pics and the interview itself after the break. The discovery made by you big dummy of NikeTalk forums.

UPDATE: LeBron’s favorite player before entering NBA:
Greg Huber:

View Comments (14)

  • I've heard and read him say Penny was his favorite player growing up, so maybe he's reliving his childhood a bit..lol. Also, I believe that's why he wore number 6 in in the olympics because Penny wore the same number in '96

  • LBJ some year ago...told in an interview that he was a Penny fan and he was a player like him!!!
    I like so much see him wear the Penny II...the best Penny shoe ever !!!

  • I think it's well known that Lebron is a Penny Hardaway fan. He said it a couple of times during his first couple years in the NBA. I even remember the press asked Penny when Penny was still with Suns and Penny's reply was like he felt honor and humble to be LBJ's idol player growing up. He also said he watched Lebron's game and was impressed by the kid. He though thinks the league put too much pressure on the kid's rookie year and he expected Lebron to be 18-7-7 during his first year.

  • when lebron frist started the team usa stuff he had the number 9 but they took it away for some reason

  • [quote comment="27895"]when lebron frist started the team usa stuff he had the number 9 but they took it away for some reason[/quote]
    Yeah, you're right. One time i had this article which i have read a long time ago is the reason they shuffle their numbers is because they wanted to have some sort of a new start with their new jersey number which somewhat kill the bad luck they experience last olympics which they won bronze. Might probably some refreshment :grin:

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