Event recap: 11/11/06 New York Pop-up Exhibition

The LeBron NYC Pop-Up Store & Exhibition opened on November 11, 2006 to a selected group of NikeBasketball.com registered members. It gave the invited members a chance to buy one of the 250 pairs of the Nike Zoom LeBron IV NYC Exclusive – a shoe, which later on has reached and even surpassed a Player Exclusive status, becoming more unique than many PEs due to an exceptional design. This event showcased the upcoming, at that moment, Nike LeBron IV line plus some significant moments from LeBron James’ life, which led him to become a professional basketball player. Check out all the pictures below. Source: freshnessmag.com | kixandthecity.com | issforums.com.

ZLIV China exclusive: AZG Pink PE “Gloria”
LeBron IV NYC exclusive:
Fruity pebbles inspired shoes:
First hoop and basketball:
High school football player:
6’8″ | 240 lbs. of cereal: Saint Vincent Saint Mary:
The LeBrons: Zoom LeBron IV:
Greg Huber:

View Comments (4)

  • Thanks... it took a lot of effort. There are 2 more recaps coming this or the next week :)

  • what are the chances of another lebron pop-up store? I REALLY want the nyc shoes, but living in texas doesn't help..

  • The NYCs are REALLY hard to get, the prices are very high because this sneakers are really appreciated by any collector. In other words... they're HOT!

    Next pop-up event... maybe the Zoom LeBron V premiere?!
