Akron Nike Zoom LeBron VI Personalized for AU Zips Showcase

Akron Nike Zoom LeBron Six… the shoe that has targeted Akron as its main inspiration. Finally fans from 330 have a special sneaker for their own special NBA player. For years LeBron James has been talking about “putting Akron on the map” and although he did just that when designing the Zoom LeBron V, the Akron Six seems to be a better fit. We have featured this shoe several times already, but this time we have some photos of our own exclusively for our faithful readers. In the past it was hard to spot King James wearing his signature shoes off the court, but he did wear this memorable sneaker during 2009 NBA All-Star Dunk Contest. With its unique design the Akron ZLVI is definitely one of the best colorways released. Apparently you think so too. The sole is probably the best part as it incorporates all three colors – White, Navy and Gold – in a very cool design featuring a translucent outsole. Also, it features a White toe along with Navy side panels that include detailed images of LeBron’s home city, right down to the sign from the street (Hickory) he grew up on. The finishing touch is the Zips’ logo behind the LRJ tab to remind us about the general idea behind this colorway. Enjoy the pics, all of them, after the break.

From LeBron 6

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