White and Navy LeBron Soldier II: Sample vs General Release

With only few days left until the official release of the Nike Zoom Soldier II we wanted to let potential buyers know what are the differences between the General Release version and Sample, which has been posted on NLB several times. The main difference is something that is very easy to notice as we mentioned about it before. It’s the Dunkman logo printed on the sole (1). The other dissimilarities that we’ve been able to spot is the swoosh on the back of the shoe and LeBron’s signature stitched behind the pull tab, which the samples didn’t have. As for the swoosh the thing is that in the GR version it’s sewn-in into the shoe, not glued-on like it appeared when the first sample pics surfaced (4). Also, the tongue is different cause the Sample had navy tongue with red circle at the top, however, the GR version has white tongue and navy circle (3). The last difference that we managed to find are #2 and #3 triangles that appear on the medial side of the shoe (Gold – Sample, Navy – GR) (2). See the pics below too see the all the distinctions. Pics via kenlu and ebay.

1. Dunkman Logo (GR)
1. No Logo (Sample)
2. #2 and #3 – Navy Triangle (GR)
2. #2 and #3 – Gold Triangle (Sample)
3. White Tongue/Navy Circle (GR)
3. Navy Tongue/Red Cirple (Sample)
4. Swoosh Sewn-In (GR)
4. Swoosh Glued-On (Sample)
Greg Huber:

View Comments (9)

  • idc either or, im still buyin them, another great shoe for me to actually ball in. My V's are sitting and getting dusty cus im collecting them lol

  • Heya Greg, did you ask if the samples were meant for 08-08-08?

    If it hasn't been mentioned, VICTORY is what's written on the sole ;)

  • Come On guys the GR of the soldier 2 is better. Did ya'll forget theres a dunkman logo on the bottom of the shoe!! HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! :!: :!: :!:

  • For me the tongue is the difference maker. The one on the samples (navy) makes the shoes look better cause the color blocking is better. Again, that just my opinion.

    Joon, thanks for the input... I will try to find out more about that.

  • has anyone noticed that the zoom soldier II looks alot alike of the zoom LeBron III, the design, the little buckles running down the laces and tongue, and the triangle on on the inside, just like the III
