Upcoming White / Navy LeBron VII. New Release Date. New Version.

Seems like we have to get used to Nike switching drop dates of their new shoes. The initial colorway of the Nike Air Max LeBron VII was pushed back and forth couple times and now we learn about the new release date of the second General Release – 375664-111 White/Midnight Navy-Varsity Red. Initially, they were slated for 11/12, however if you check up with eastbay they claim to have the shoes ready to ship by 11/06. The third and most likely to be true is the final option, which states the White and Navy LBJ7 will drop at HOH and other FTLs on 11/25. There’s the other side of this story. With the new RDs being unveiled we’ve learnt about the final look of the production model. Seems like what we’ve been seeing so far was the Sample version (hologram on the bottom says so too) and actual colorway has been changed. The main difference is the Navy Midsole opposed to White on the Samples. Check pics of both after the break.

From LeBron 7
White Midsole (probably Sample):
Navy Midsole (probably GR):
Source: kinstor.com | footlockerunlocked.com.
Greg Huber:

View Comments (12)

  • just a subtle ateration, i can deal with it though, now i jus need to know the red carpetss release date.

  • The new version of navy/white VII doesn't look as good as the "sample" one. :neutral:

  • I think the navy midsole looks WAY better. i will probably cop now that the midsole isn't white

  • just tried ordering them on east bay.. how come it says I can't buy them til the 6th?

  • I dont get it.
    These on the pictures are samples and they will not be released? The only one white/navy which will be released are those on eastbay??
    These are much better than the eastbay ones.

  • @RD
    Look at the pics again. The GR is showcase in the last 4 pics. Don't believe eastbay :cool:

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