Enter Nike Basketball Competition and Win Special Zoom Soldier II Camo Colorway »

Jul 24, 2008 at 3:00 am | shoeszoom-soldier-ii

Remember this? Back in May Nike was about to organize a Zoom Soldier II Camo Giveaway, however, for no apparent reason that didn’t happen. Now the competition is back in a slightly different form: This summer, LeBron will be leading the U.S. to victory in Beijing. Show your support by sending a message to the […]

Part Two… Detailed Shots of LeBron James’ Zoom LeBron V Home PE »

Jul 23, 2008 at 2:58 pm | lebron-vshoes

Let’s get into the details. Yesterday we profiled the Suede Zoom Lebron V personalized for LeBron James himself. Today we bring lots of close-up shots. The attention to details is amazing… Click the pics to enlarge. The photos after the jump are in wallpaper sizes so feel free to use them if you like. From […]

Velvet Nike Zoom LeBron V Cleveland Home Player Exclusive Part One »

Jul 22, 2008 at 1:24 pm | lebron-vshoes

In the past year LeBron James wasn’t so much into PEs. That’s probably because he wanted to promote the GRs and boost up their sales, however, it’s unsual to see him wear a Player Exclusive version of his main shoe for the season – Nike Zoom LeBron V – only 4 times in 75 NBA […]

United We Rise USA Zoom Soldier II New Pics and Release Info »

Jul 22, 2008 at 1:10 pm | shoeszoom-soldier-ii

The Supreme Edition of the Zoom Soldier II has already dropped in Asia while the US release is yet to come. The Second Olympic Nike Zoom Soldier II, that will be released soon, is the “United We Rise” version with Beijing-inspired Tribal pattern all over the body. The UWR ZSII – 334098-141 White/Dark Obsidian-Sport Red […]

U.S. Team is Back in Action Preparing for Olympic Trip »

Jul 22, 2008 at 1:14 am | lebron-jamesusa-basketball

Just 20 days out from the tipoff of the 2008 Beijing Olympics men’s basketball competition, LeBron James and the USA Basketball Team resumed their practice before the upcoming 2008 Olympic Games. Here’re couple pics from the training session at Valley High School in Las Vegas that took place yesterday. LeBron, Kobe, D-Wade, ‘Melo, CP, J-Kidd, […]

Supreme Zoom Soldier II Olympic Chinese Symbols Release »

Jul 21, 2008 at 1:45 pm | shoeszoom-soldier-ii

Three different Olympic Zoom Soldier II’s have been spotted so far. Up to this point LeBron’s been rocking the “UWR” PE with Akron street map. The other two are going to be released in limited fashion, both in Asia and USA. The first Olympic Zoom Soldier II was released this weekend in Asia. It’s a […]

The Evolution of the Nike Zoom LeBron Signature Shoes »

Jul 21, 2008 at 1:40 am | lebron-vshoes

LeBron’s signature shoe line is at a pivotal moment right now. A lot of changes are being made and surprisingly we haven’t seen what lies ahead yet. It’s good to look back and see how it all started. Fortunately for us, some of the collectors keep their LeBrons Deadstock and thanks to SHADOWFINDER313 we got […]

LeBron James “Olympic Tour” at Nike World Headquarters »

Jul 18, 2008 at 2:50 am | lebron-jameslifestyle

Check out some dope pics of LeBron James’ visit at Nike World Headquarters posted by KKJordan23 on niketalk.com. He sported some USA Basketball gear and one of his Zoom Soldier II Olympic PEs – “United We Rise” edition with the street map across the body. Also, he wore a Federer cap, who is one of […]