Not This Year. Cavs Fall Short. Dubs Are Champions. Iggy = MVP.

LeBron James shook the hand of each Golden State player who was on the floor when he exited Game 6 with about 10 seconds left Tuesday night. James turned in the best individual Finals series performance statistically in history, but it only netted him two wins in six games in a series that ended with three consecutive losses by the Cavs. For James, that’s four Finals losses out of six and two in a row, though his latest loss can hardly be blamed on him. “There’s only so much one man can do.”

Many records were shattered during the NBA Finals, but I will definitely remember this one the most… without LeBron on the floor this series the Cavs’ backcourt shot… JR 0/9, Delly 0/7, J. Jones 0/3, Shump 0/2 for a total of 0/21 FG.

“We ran out of talent,” said James, who sat facing his locker with a towel over his head for nearly an hour after the game. “We gave everything we had.”

Not King James, not Stephen Curry, but Golden State forward Andre Iguodala was named MVP of the NBA Finals following the Warriors’ clinching win. Iguodala also had the responsibility of guarding LeBron James, just as 2014 Finals MVP Kawhi Leonard did.

From 2015 NBA Playoffs
Greg Huber:

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  • This series just further proved Lebron's greatness. He literally carried the entire team. No doubt if the Cavs had Irving and Love it would've been a different series, but congrats to the Warriors and Iggy deserved the MVP. Anyone that says Lebron "choked" clearly did not watch the series or much basketball at all.
