Nike Zoom LeBron V China ultimate showcase

Thanks to, where you can order the China’s by the way, we present an ultimate showcase of the Nike Zoom LeBron V China edition. THE INSPIRATION: The significance of the”9″ at the Forbidden City – 9 Gates can only be built where the King lives. The other cities can only have a maximum of 8 gates. The head official of Beijing was called the “General of 9 gates”. He is in charge of the military of the capital. The laserings’ inspiration is based on the Forbidden City and incorporates several mythical icons and architectural elements. The Dragon guarding cities’ gates depict the overall journey of west meets east. The shoe being west and the imagery being east. The nine mythical creatures on the roof and the roof itself are etched into the leather at the heel of the shoe. Images found in the City of Rivers and Mountains are hidden at the arch. A subtle reflection of the floor plan and lattice work can be seen etched into the strap. A few of the square holds have been removed to support this effect. More photos after the jump!

Source: | From LeBron 5
Greg Huber:

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