In order for the to continue to expand we’ve had to move to a new, more powerful server. Due to the increasing popularity of the site, we’ve relocated from out old hosting, our service provider for the last 19 months, to a new more reliable one. Sadly, there was no way to avoid a period of downtime whilst the transition, but fortunately this is over now. Hopefully the new server will run faster too, but all that depends on your geographic location and since we are all about the pics they are some things that can’t be optimized any further. If anyone experiences any issues, or has comments, please feel free to post here.

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hey lemme know if you want a new banner.. it looks like it needs a facelift, id love to work with you again :smile: e-mail me if your interested: ill need dimensions and other details as to what you are looking for. Thanks, iv been viewing your site everyday since you first contacted me about making a banner! I cant tell you how happy I am to see how fast your website has taken off... Thanks again :]
I've been looking for you.
To be honest I still love this one... but message sent ;)