First Look at Nike LeBron Soldier 10 Home & Away PEs

Nowadays photos of Nike LeBron PEs are very hard to come by. Ironically it’s way worse than 10 years ago when we didn’t have Instagram and such.

I’m pretty sure we don’t know about many colorways that we normally would have profiled in full detail. The drought is expecailly visible with LeBron’s on court kicks. Recently,I haven’t seen anybody posting pics of his PEs other than NBA photographers and King James himself.

It’s also not easy with school colorways and it took a while to find decent pics of the current SVSM set for the Nike LeBron Soldier 10. Fortunately there are some good folks in Cleveland who like to share anything LeBron related. Check out the first online look at both Home and Away colorways personalized for the Fighting Irish. The additional of the school’s actual logo on the upper strap is a nice touch. College PEs don’t have that. Big thanks to @brantrav42 for sharing the pics!

Greg Huber: