Exclusive Look at the Nike Zoom LeBron Soldier II Fairfax

Another batch of LeBron School PEs – Christ The King, Saint Vincent Saint Mary, and Ohio State University – dropped last week, but what about the Fairfax?! After all the very first School Pack released at the House of Hoops involved only the H.S. Player Exclusives (CTK, SVSM, and Fairfax Nike Zoom Soldier I). After that, when V’s made their world premiere, the Fairfax was replaced with the Ohio State and the same thing happened with the latest release of the Nike Zoom Soldier II. Of course Fairfax is still a LeBron school, but seems like we won’t be getting their kicks via any public channels. Apparently, from now on the Fairfax L.A. PEs will be issued to players only. Too bad, cause Lions’ kicks with their Black-Red-Yellow color combo have been always a very unique design, so much different from all the other sneakers around. As there are no pics available so far, we give you a peek at an the ZS2 Fairfax Away edition found in Sole Collector‘s latest ‘Nike Dunk SB Special’ issue. The whole issue is dedicated to the SBs, however, they have an 7-page feature about the Zoom Soldier 2 with an great article and many pics worth picking it up. By the way… if you’re wondering what’s the shoe on the right in the 3rd photo below… check back soon as we’ll try to snatch some pictures presenting that Superman ZS2 :-).

From Soldier 2
Greg Huber:

View Comments (9)

  • It's official... FAIRFAX owns any of the SVSM, CTK and OSU ZS2 PEs!!! :shock:

  • ^Wuah? Oh man... the Fairfax PE's always look good but are completely un-rockable unless you're Ronald McDonald!

  • WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW now i want to see more pics of the Superman Soldier 2's. Those are HOT. and its to bad that we cant get the Fairfax's anymore.


  • It sucks Farifax H.S. didnt want the general public rockin' they colors, but oh well...

    they will eventually trickle out on eBay...i got some Fairfax Vs from someone a couple months after they were supposed to release at HoH - and i will get a pair of these!!!

    those supermans look like they will be insanely nice!!! :twisted:

  • [quote comment="19627"]Fairfax are extremely nice in person! :razz:[/quote]

    Brian, I guess this is coming from your own experience :mrgreen:

  • I gotta get me them supermans. They better be comin out with those publicly, instead of doing the people dirty like they doing us with the fairfax editions

  • Im loving these school PE's of the soldier II's...HOTTNESS! copped me the OSU's the other day,considering getting the SVSM's too..i also want the CTK's ... shyt F-it ill get all of them!
