The change is coming. There’s no turning back right now. LeBron James has declared to change his jersey number from #23 to #6 starting next season. We still don’t know what color will that jersey be, but seems like that doesn’t matter in this case. We’ve seen his t-shirts sporting the new #6. We’ve also previewed his new Nike Air Max LeBron VIII samples with a new signature (without #23). There’s no LBJ23 logo anywhere on the shoes, but since they are samples we still have no idea what the next logo is going to look like. Will it be one of King James’ secondary logos? Dunkman or Lionhead? Or maybe Nike will come up with something entirely new? It could be a refreshed version of the previous LBJ23 with #6 instead of #23, but that might not weird (see our illustration above). Anyway… let’s decide for ourselves. Which should Nike and LeBron do? Cast your vote in our new poll on the left. Thanks to dOubleO for help. Continue reading for a compilation of LeBron’s logos.

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To me it's really simple, I love Icons, so the Dunkman definitely.
definitely lion with the six on top haha..
I am thinking the Lion but the dunkman would be cool to.
The dunkman or the LBJ6.
Dunkman for sure. Jordans dunkman is a huge symbol that is well known. Its time for lebron to make his dunkman his symbol.
the dunkman
funny thing, tho, i love the L23 logo. it's classic. too bad he's changing numbers. even tho Jordan wore it, its the person wearing it now thats important