A Preview of the New York City Inspired Nike Zoom LeBron VI

On March 5th, 2008 Nike released the very much anticipated Yankee edition of the Zoom LeBron V at the House of Hoops, New York. On the very same day LeBron James played against the New York Knicks at the Madison Square Garden. He gave a very memorable performance by scoring 50 points, 10 assists and 8 rebounds wearing nothing else, but the Yankee V’s. It’s was the first and only time he wore these kicks during an NBA game. In order to commemorate that night, and also LeBron’s love for NYC, Nike created another special NY-themed sneaker. It’s the White and Navy Zoom LeBron VI colorway, that King James has been wearing several times this season. Today, we have a few close-up shots that unveil some interesting details. The date on the side is the day he played the Knicks: 3/5/2008. On the tongue lies his stat line from the night: 50-10-8. The New York crowd gave LeBron a “Standing O” after his ridiculous beat down on the Knicks – which can be found on the inside label. All photos courtesy of House of Hoops, who by the way have just released the shoes! It’s a General Release colorway and it’s expected to drop nation wide later on.

Source: HOHNY | From LeBron 6
Greg Huber:

View Comments (5)

  • Wow! there is a gr that is very close to this. Not even close to the yankees even though those ended up in factory stores. Who wants a shoe to remind them how bad he beat their team. Come on now nike, just terrible shoe/idea/colorway

  • Doesn't the line say, this is the GR. Also what more could you do to a very classic/clean design, only thing I would've liked to see changed was an accent-line around the swoosh(in Gold), because it's lookin a little too big being an all white swoosh.

  • I was there that night.....what a great performance it was. MSG was chanting MVP and was hoping for him to break 50. On the scoreboard, it read that he had 49 points so when he hit that last 3, it showed he had 52. Some old guys in front of me were lifetime season ticket holders and they said they thought the performance was more impressive than Jordan.
    Hard to disagree but the Knicks were a lot tougher then.

    But the shoes....disappointed.

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